ABOUT THE BOOK One of the Newton's laws of motion states: "All objects remain in a state of rest until a force is applied." This may be true also of our aspirations in life. Things do not move until we move. Action orientation is a major requirement for success. The question for most people however is “how do I start”?…
ABOUT THE BOOK The Real Money brings a fresh perspective to the subject of financial prosperity. Real Money is not paper. It is value; something you cannot see with your real eyes. There is a much deeper dimension to money than the one thousand Naira bill. It is time to discover the truth about creation and multiplication of real wealth.…
ABOUT THE BOOK This book is intended on one hand to be a reminder of the things you may have learnt on finances from the Bible. On the other hand, it is intended to ignite a spark in your heart to take practical steps towards wealth creation. It goes a little beyond conventional teachings on giving, to cultivating wealth-building habits…
ABOUT THE BOOK Success Is Who You Are is an offshoot of the fundamental things that Sam Adeyemi has learned over the years about the laws of success. In it, you will learn the principles that when applied will guarantee total transformation in your life. Learn principles such as: Transformation - Your nature determines your future Imagination - What you…
ABOUT THE BOOK Of all the problems in this country, which one do you really think God would have you solve? Twenty or fifty years from now, where would Nigeria be? We have heard that there is an American dream. What is a Nigerian dream?" This book will; Inspire you to dream and create the country of your dreams Change…
ABOUT THE BOOK We should talk about sex, should we not? It is the strongest natural emotion known to man. It is good to know that God created sex. Since everything God created was very good, sex is very good as long as it is within the context of marriage. We should know that it is our sinful nature that…
ABOUT THE BOOK What will Nigeria look like in the future? What is the difference between the average Nigerian and someone in the developed world? Are you ready to become a change champion? Then, This book will lead you to life changing discoveries. It will help you develop a positive self image. It will challenge you to take the lead…
About The Book How To Give Your Children A Reading Culture is written to show intentional parents how to give their children a reading culture early in life. It equally tells how you can incentive your teenagers and young adults to read books even if they have grown up without a reading culture. It contains five practical steps I took…
ABOUT THE BOOK Writing for Media and Monetising it is about the craft of writing in simple, clear and relatable language. But it offers more. It provides a step-by-step approach, with lots of examples, about writing, especially writing for the media, and how you can get value from content. It also provides tips and insights on media law, writing for…
Navigating the Nigerian Job Market ABOUT THE BOOK Navigating the Nigerian Job Market - a roadmap for transforming from a seeker to a "sought-after". Tired of sending out countless job application and receiving rejection letters? Weary of requesting job opportunities and getting no feedback? Wondering if there are any options for you in the corporate environment? This book takes a…
ABOUT THE BOOK DIGITAL GEN ZS AND THEIR ANALOG PARENTS Practical steps on how to harness the greatest potential of children with digital mindsets leveraging grace and innovation. The book DIGITAL GEN ZS AND THEIR ANALOG PARENTS is a very practical book that offers parent detailed insights into the qualities and attributes of Gen Z children and other digital-minded young…
ABOUT THE BOOK If you were to share on a world stage ten principle that can work for anybody else as it worked for you in real estate as an investor, what would those be? This provocative and shocking question is at the core of this inspiring book. 'Smart Moves, More Money: How to avoid 10 costly real estate mistakes…
ABOUT THE BOOK 'Chemistry on Point' is a production of Adonai Science World is focused on training students to relate and apply scientific concepts to their immediate environment. It aims at promoting Chemistry education for sustainable interest and societal development. It is relevant for Senior Secondary School classes SS1-SS3 and also first-year university students. This book has the following high…