- Be direct in your writing Good writing is clear and concise.
- Choose your words wisely Always choose the simpler of two words. Use familiar vocabulary instead of lofty words from the English language. Simple words are more direct and easier for all readers to understand.
- Short sentences are more powerful than long sentences A story loses steam with wordiness. Short sentences are easier to comprehend, something that readers appreciate. Avoid trying to pack too much into a line. Every sentence should contain one thought or idea.
- Write short paragraphs Keep your paragraphs short and manageable. Each one should consist of sentences that support the same idea.
- Always use the active voice: Use the active voice and adhere to subject-verb-object sentence structure. It’s the most direct path to making your point. The passive voice might be grammatically correct, but it creates long, complex sentences and is a weaker way of presenting information.
- Review and edit your work: Tighten your writing, check your word choice and sentence structure, and hone your voice to improve your style.
- Use a natural, conversational tone: Your writing style relies on your own, unique voice. Write like you converse. Shape ideas with your original thoughts and voice, and do your best to avoid clichés. Your writing style should reflect your personality.
- Read famous authors: Great writers put a stamp on their writing with a signature style. Learn how other writers create their style. Then do the same with your own writing.