ABOUT THE BOOK One of the Newton's laws of motion states: "All objects remain in a state of rest until a force is applied." This may be true also of our aspirations in life. Things do not move until we move. Action orientation is a major requirement for success. The question for most people however is “how do I start”?…
ABOUT THE BOOK The Real Money brings a fresh perspective to the subject of financial prosperity. Real Money is not paper. It is value; something you cannot see with your real eyes. There is a much deeper dimension to money than the one thousand Naira bill. It is time to discover the truth about creation and multiplication of real wealth.…
ABOUT THE BOOK This book is intended on one hand to be a reminder of the things you may have learnt on finances from the Bible. On the other hand, it is intended to ignite a spark in your heart to take practical steps towards wealth creation. It goes a little beyond conventional teachings on giving, to cultivating wealth-building habits…
ABOUT THE BOOK Success Is Who You Are is an offshoot of the fundamental things that Sam Adeyemi has learned over the years about the laws of success. In it, you will learn the principles that when applied will guarantee total transformation in your life. Learn principles such as: Transformation - Your nature determines your future Imagination - What you…
ABOUT THE BOOK There is a gift that has been given to you before the beginning of time. This gift has the power to unlock the root of sin and has been made available to us through salvation. This gift commands fulfillment and success. Unfortunately, many have not tapped into this gift and remain unaware of the potency of its…
ABOUT THE BOOK THE SUPER ACHIEVER'S BREAKFAST - Daily Nuggets For Achieving Outstanding Success (October - December) Have you archived all your goals for the year? Do you want to achieve greater success than you ever thought possible, even in the last quarter of the year? Do you see yourself entering into a higher dimension of success in the coming…
ABOUT THE BOOK THE SUPER ACHIEVER'S BREAKFAST - Daily Nuggets For Achieving Outstanding Success (July - September) Success becomes fulfilling once you get foundational principles. Then you want to keep on succeeding because you have experienced the difference between success and failure. This inspirational is written to help you: Secure breakthrough like never before Focus on the positives and the…
ABOUT THE BOOK THE SUPER ACHIEVER'S BREAKFAST - Daily Nuggets For Achieving Outstanding Success (April - June) Do you have a picture of life you want to live? Then do whatever it takes legitimately to make it happen. This daily inspirational will help you: Practice the steps that will bring you closer to the fulfillment of your dreams Birth creative…
ABOUT THE BOOK THE SUPER ACHIEVER'S BREAKFAST: Daily Nuggets For Achieving Outstanding Success (January - March) Some people want to succeed nut they know how. There are secrets to success but a lot of people are not paying attention to them. Begin your day with this inspirational. It highlights daily, a principle of success that will take you from where…
ABOUT THE BOOK The Lifted Mother is a book that helps a woman understand her calling as a mother, that mothering is a call to stewardship. It goes beyond carrying a child in your womb. In this book you discover how to: Be a worshiper A woman of prayer A woman of faith A mother indeed A giver And lots…
ABOUT THE BOOK In no other time has the institution of marriage been under great attack as in recent times. The art of cleaving in marriage is much needed now than ever before. Will you like to rekindle the spark in your marriage? Are you thrilled about your spouse or are you experiencing a burn out? In this book, Into…
ABOUT THE BOOK NEW DREAMS THINK BIG: Live An Amazing Life Are you willing and ready to live an amazing life? Then, you have to begin to see yourself the way God sees you. There are great potentials God has deposited in you. Discover them and use them for the assignment you were created for. In this life transforming book,…
ABOUT THE BOOK What is the vision for your family? Do you see peace and stability? Do you see a place where people are nurtured? Do you see your home as a haven? Do you see yourself making life not just bearable but good for the people in your territory? This book will help you: Prioritize your family Discover your…
ABOUT THE BOOK This book deals with the complex issue of womanhood. Never has a word been so misunderstood by both men and women. Yet, the woman is like the sun around which all of humanity revolves. If all men knew what God packed into the woman at creation, and if women themselves understood their full worth, paradise would be…
ABOUT THE BOOK Love is the most transforming force known to man. We are created in God's image and have the potential to love others. It is important for us to have a deep understanding of the nature of love. When people have experience rejection, they tend to look for love in the wrong places. There is a void in…
ABOUT THE BOOK Everyone who wants to build a home wants a successful one. But the a successful home does not just happen. There are some conditions which need to be fulfilled in order to realize this. God is a Builder but can not do beyond our willingness to co-operate with Him. Do you want to avoid discouragement, disillusionment and…
ABOUT THE BOOK Womanhood is blessed. It is a divine and distinct creation of God. Dear woman, you are a great. You are not man-made; you are God-made. This book will motivate you: to live your purpose. to rise above all limitation. to take off every mask that hinders you Your light cannot be put out; your destiny is so…