ABOUT THE BOOK In a world yearning for change, the woman's story at the well serves as a timeless reminder of the power of personal transformation and leading with purpose. "The Shift at The Well" takes you on a profound journey from revelation to revolution, from individual awakening to collective impact. Through compelling narratives and practical wisdom, Nike Adeyemi invites…
ABOUT THE BOOK Why do people become leaders? What are the challenges of leadership? How do you become a successful leader? MOTIVES FOR LEADERSHIP answers these questions, taking practical examples from the lives of Jesus Christ, Nelson Mandela, Sam Adeyemi and other great leaders. It traces how the mind, society and economy affect the growth and development of a leader.…
ABOUT THE BOOK The Real Money brings a fresh perspective to the subject of financial prosperity. Real Money is not paper. It is value; something you cannot see with your real eyes. There is a much deeper dimension to money than the one thousand Naira bill. It is time to discover the truth about creation and multiplication of real wealth.…
ABOUT THE BOOK This book is intended on one hand to be a reminder of the things you may have learnt on finances from the Bible. On the other hand, it is intended to ignite a spark in your heart to take practical steps towards wealth creation. It goes a little beyond conventional teachings on giving, to cultivating wealth-building habits…
ABOUT THE BOOK Success Is Who You Are is an offshoot of the fundamental things that Sam Adeyemi has learned over the years about the laws of success. In it, you will learn the principles that when applied will guarantee total transformation in your life. Learn principles such as: Transformation - Your nature determines your future Imagination - What you…
ABOUT THE BOOK Wherever you are on the success journey, LEAD is the right book for you. It is packed with ideas you can use right away to transform your life right where you are, and it will help you increase your capacity for success in geometric proportions. In this book, you will learn how to: Unleash your ability to…
ABOUT THE BOOK We should talk about sex, should we not? It is the strongest natural emotion known to man. It is good to know that God created sex. Since everything God created was very good, sex is very good as long as it is within the context of marriage. We should know that it is our sinful nature that…
ABOUT THE BOOK THE SUPER ACHIEVER'S BREAKFAST - Daily Nuggets For Achieving Outstanding Success (October - December) Have you archived all your goals for the year? Do you want to achieve greater success than you ever thought possible, even in the last quarter of the year? Do you see yourself entering into a higher dimension of success in the coming…
ABOUT THE BOOK THE SUPER ACHIEVER'S BREAKFAST - Daily Nuggets For Achieving Outstanding Success (July - September) Success becomes fulfilling once you get foundational principles. Then you want to keep on succeeding because you have experienced the difference between success and failure. This inspirational is written to help you: Secure breakthrough like never before Focus on the positives and the…
ABOUT THE BOOK THE SUPER ACHIEVER'S BREAKFAST - Daily Nuggets For Achieving Outstanding Success (April - June) Do you have a picture of life you want to live? Then do whatever it takes legitimately to make it happen. This daily inspirational will help you: Practice the steps that will bring you closer to the fulfillment of your dreams Birth creative…
ABOUT THE BOOK THE SUPER ACHIEVER'S BREAKFAST: Daily Nuggets For Achieving Outstanding Success (January - March) Some people want to succeed nut they know how. There are secrets to success but a lot of people are not paying attention to them. Begin your day with this inspirational. It highlights daily, a principle of success that will take you from where…
ABOUT THE BOOK If, like me, you have wondered why some individuals and even whole nations are locked in a cycle of failure and underdevelopment. Why many countries that attained independence from their colonial masters are still impoverished after decades, this book is for you. As you read, you will discover how: oppression progresses from your environment to your mind…
ABOUT THE BOOK What will Nigeria look like in the future? What is the difference between the average Nigerian and someone in the developed world? Are you ready to become a change champion? Then, This book will lead you to life changing discoveries. It will help you develop a positive self image. It will challenge you to take the lead…
About The Book How To Give Your Children A Reading Culture is written to show intentional parents how to give their children a reading culture early in life. It equally tells how you can incentive your teenagers and young adults to read books even if they have grown up without a reading culture. It contains five practical steps I took…
ABOUT THE BOOK Writing for Media and Monetising it is about the craft of writing in simple, clear and relatable language. But it offers more. It provides a step-by-step approach, with lots of examples, about writing, especially writing for the media, and how you can get value from content. It also provides tips and insights on media law, writing for…
ABOUT THE BOOK DIGITAL GEN ZS AND THEIR ANALOG PARENTS Practical steps on how to harness the greatest potential of children with digital mindsets leveraging grace and innovation. The book DIGITAL GEN ZS AND THEIR ANALOG PARENTS is a very practical book that offers parent detailed insights into the qualities and attributes of Gen Z children and other digital-minded young…
ABOUT THE BOOK If you were to share on a world stage ten principle that can work for anybody else as it worked for you in real estate as an investor, what would those be? This provocative and shocking question is at the core of this inspiring book. 'Smart Moves, More Money: How to avoid 10 costly real estate mistakes…
ABOUT THE BOOK In life, success is a never-ending journey and every man born of a woman is created and endowed with the potential to complete his assignments and fulfill his God-given purpose. Nobody is a creation of accident. However, to accomplish destiny one must maximize the opportunities that the capable of making him a winner in the journey to…
ABOUT THE BOOK WHEN FISHES CLIMB TREES helps you understand the price for moving our kids out of their comfort zones, in pursuit of courses, careers and a life they are not wired for! It also teaches parents how they can help them connect the dots between passion, talent and purpose!
ABOUT THE BOOK Writing as a skill can be learnt. I have spent the last two decades writing books and several social media posts. I have more than twenty five great books to show for it. I have had numerous people ask me questions on how they can author their books. Many have complained that they started writing at different…
ABOUT THE BOOK Adenike Odubawo's Rookie to Pro: How to stop Networking like a Rookie in 90 Days is the only book on Network Marketing you'll ever need. Adenike breaks down everything on Network Marketing and offers her personal experience as guide in making critical networking decisions.
ABOUT THE BOOK In a rapidly changing global environment, leaders are faced with the challenge of keeping up with the constant exchange of ideas, values and artistic expression among cultures. Global leaders are not born, they are made. LEAD GLOBAL addresses the challenges of globalisation and shows how leaders can develop new competencies, cultural agility and become assets in their…
ABOUT THE BOOK WEALTH CODES contains a set of laws or principles that reveals how wealth is created. Men are not poor because they lack money, they are rather poor because they do not know how to create wealth. It is a known fact poverty thrives under the mask of ignorance. WEALTH CODES is written to infuse men with relevant…
ABOUT THE BOOK IT IS POSSIBLE is a life transforming book. It reveals that we all start of life by carrying bottles of water put in our hands by our employers. The water that we are handed each month is usually not enough as our bottles always run dry before the next month. We have a good God who has…
ABOUT THE BOOK There is an abundance of all things in nature. Scarcity is man-made. Every man is an extension of God and carries a deposit from Him. People become rich when they discover the GOD-deposit in their lives and develop them. As they begin to give out value, money flows towards them. A poor man is a man who…
ABOUT THE BOOK When you get here please don't forget to help others who are humble enough to ask for help. A few of your friends might not be able to read this note. Some will just discard it, a few will ask for your help. If they come to you to help them see through the puzzle, please help…
ABOUT THE BOOK THE KINGDOM WOMAN is a book that the Lord has helped me to use as a platform to address most of the problem I have seen in a majority of women in my more than a decade in ministry. It addresses from the biblical perspective such issues as in-law problems, spouse abuse and ignorance of our real…
ABOUT THE BOOK This powerful book is inspired by the Holy Spirit to show that the behaviour is a function of spirit. Just like cars that cannot move without a driver, man does not act without been driven. The nature of spirit in a man's life determines how he behaves. When a negative spirit is driving a man, it drives…