Dear Leader: Your Flagship Guide to Successful Leadership Leadership is a skill that anyone, anywhere can learn. Leaders everywhere have the ability to serve and influence others for the greater good. It’s our duty to guide our teams, families, organizations, and nations to achieve great goals, and to be successful leaders while standing on our own character to model the…
ABOUT THE BOOK This book is intended on one hand to be a reminder of the things you may have learnt on finances from the Bible. On the other hand, it is intended to ignite a spark in your heart to take practical steps towards wealth creation. It goes a little beyond conventional teachings on giving, to cultivating wealth-building habits…
ABOUT THE BOOK Success Is Who You Are is an offshoot of the fundamental things that Sam Adeyemi has learned over the years about the laws of success. In it, you will learn the principles that when applied will guarantee total transformation in your life. Learn principles such as: Transformation - Your nature determines your future Imagination - What you…
ABOUT THE BOOK One of the Newton's laws of motion states: "All objects remain in a state of rest until a force is applied." This may be true also of our aspirations in life. Things do not move until we move. Action orientation is a major requirement for success. The question for most people however is “how do I start”?…
ABOUT THE BOOK Wherever you are on the success journey, LEAD is the right book for you. It is packed with ideas you can use right away to transform your life right where you are, and it will help you increase your capacity for success in geometric proportions. In this book, you will learn how to: Unleash your ability to…
ABOUT THE BOOK Adenike Odubawo's Rookie to Pro: How to stop Networking like a Rookie in 90 Days is the only book on Network Marketing you'll ever need. Adenike breaks down everything on Network Marketing and offers her personal experience as guide in making critical networking decisions.
ABOUT THE BOOK There is an abundance of all things in nature. Scarcity is man-made. Every man is an extension of God and carries a deposit from Him. People become rich when they discover the GOD-deposit in their lives and develop them. As they begin to give out value, money flows towards them. A poor man is a man who…